set HyperTextList = [] set VideoList = [] @ HARICOT BEANS WITH BACON Soak the haricot beans for 1 hour. Precook them in a large quantity of cold, slightly salted water. Wash the bacon, blanch for 5 minutes in boiling water. SautŽ the thinly sliced onions in the lard, until translucent. Add the pulp of the crushed tomatoes. When creamy add the bacon, the crushed garlic and cover with boiling water. Cover and simmer gently for 45 minutes. Add the half cooked drained haricot beans and cover with some of their cooking water. Cover the pan and simmer, occasionally adding more of the beansÕ cooking water, so they are constantly covered in liquid for 1 hour. Taste and check the seasoning, adding salt and pepper if necessary and finish cooking reducing the liquid. When about to serve, remove the haricots beans with a slotted ladle, cut the bacon into thin slices and lay on a dish. Reduce the juice on a high heat if there are over 2 cups of remaining liquid, then pour on the beans. You can also save the cooking liquid as a base for a soup. @ 1 3/4 lb salt bacon or salt pork 1 lb white haricot beans 1 bouquet garni 2 tomatoes 2 onions 1 clove garlic salt, pepper 1 tbsp lard @ 20 mn @ 170 mn @ @ @ Vegetables @ @ Pacherenc-du-Vic-Bilh @